“Education must have an end in view, for it is not an end in itself.” The aim of education is to empower and to equip its seekers with the resources required to fulfil the promise of beauty hidden within oneself. Good students are great resources to themselves, the society and the nation. We are responssible for each student's security in our school. We are always ready to serve every parrents in the school for any issues & problems.
Let us allow the childrens creative urges to blossom naturally and help them to spur higher, beyond the familiar vistas. Let these mesmeric lines of Robert Frost elicit unfading enthusiasm into our lives.
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”
Let the promise of beauty hidden within our souls spring out and be realized through our lives.